Pharmacy lab equipments by acumen labware have been highly appreciated globally. There is a vast range of pharmacy lab equipment produced by acumen labware. The range of pharmacy lab equipment is completed by keeping in mind even the most trivial needs of a pharmacy laboratory. Strict quality control and vigilant observation is kept while producing these pharmacy lab equipment by acumen labware.
A glimpse of the Pharmacy lab equipment spectrum by Acumen Labware can be had from the list mentioned below:
A glimpse of the Pharmacy lab equipment spectrum by Acumen Labware can be had from the list mentioned below:
- Spirometer
- Rabbit Holder
- Rabbit Cage
- Student Polarimeter
- Research Polarimeter
- Sterility Test Equipment (Single Station, 3-Station, 6-Station)
- Du-Bins Raymond Induction Coil
- Aseptic Cabinet
- Student Simulator transistorized
- Sieves for powder shifting